Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Upcoming Renaissance Festival!

So it is that time of year again! The Ren Fest has started and my daughter and I are going next month. So I am going to try to get some new Renaissance Hairstyles up before then.

We have been going to the Arizona Renaissance Faire since Chelina was in Kindergarten. It's always fun to spend the day there. So much artistry and creativity to enjoy! It always give's me a lot of  inspiration for hair styles.

Besides, it's nice to take a break from the present reality and take a step back in time. Can't always take life too seriously lol.

So check back with us to see the pic's. I know I have been slow moving on my return but I recently started a Instagram account for the blog to give me more motivation lol. All the talented Hair Artist give me motivation and inspiration to get my tail in gear!

If you would like to follow us
IG: girls_curls_hair

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Valentine's Day Braided Heart

Hey everyone! It has taken me a while to even get one thing up. My daughter thinks she is too cool to have her hair done so now I have no model lol. I may have to enlist the use of bribery or just buy a mannequin that doesn't look like it has lost half it's hair lol. So I apologize but this is what I have for now. I will get something better up soon. She has to sleep sometime hehehe, jk!

For Valentine's Day I did a Braided Heart for my sister. It ended up being a rushed thing but I think it looked good considering. Her and her fiance were going out to dinner and she wanted something festive. Here is the pic.

Thank's for checking us out! Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day and always find a reason to show love <3 .="" p="">

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Twist's & Flower's

♥~Twists & Flower's~♥
Well, I had to think of a pre-Easter hairdo for Chelina for the Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow sooo I combined these. I think it is cute and could be used for Easter as well.

I started out by sectioning off a circle around the head and the middle I put into a pony and clipped out of the way. Then I sectioned out 9 boxes around the head (the outer circle) and put each one in an elastic. Then I split those in half and connected each half with the one beside it and made the twist. I did this all the way around and put another elastic around to secure it with the pony. I then made the flower as I showed in the other blog I posted.

There you have it...a cute style for formal or informal days :) Here are the pics.

☆Knotted and Twisted☆

☆ Knotted and Twisted☆
This is a very cute style and VERY easy to do! One thing is, you have to be working with at least semi long hair cause it shortens it a lot! As you can see in the picture, it shortens my daughter's hair to shoulder length and her hair is waist length.

So basically what I did was I separated the hair for piggies and pulled the bangs back into a little poof, secured by an elastic ( make sure you use gel when doing this). Then I took a small amount of hair right below where the left piggy is and put the rest into the pig tails. Then the small amount of hair, I twist braided and attached it to the right side piggy.

Then I took the hair from the left piggy and separated into two and tied. Then I switched the pieces that were in my hands and tied again. I did this tie and switch the whole way down until there was just this tiny bit of hair left. Switching hands makes it so you don't end up with one side longer then the other. Then I did the same with the right side and I was all done.
Here are the rest of the views below. Also, please if you can read my last post called Death in the Family I am trying to help my cousin get donations for funeral expenses. Anything you can donate would be wonderful! Thank you in advance!