Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Expanding My Business and Renaissance Hairstyles!

I am currently expanding my business and this is why I have not posted yet. As some of you know, I have my own business and I have been trying to find a way to be able to do this and help more people in these hard economic times and I am now able to do that. Things are crazy right now and good, hardworking families are getting hit the hardest! They need help to see if there is something that can be done to help their financial situation and to make sure their family is protected. I truly believe that when you are doing things to help others, you will become prosperous.  I also have compiled a list of Daily Deal Sites that help you save money while still living! So if anyone is curious or even looking to make some extra money helping people, send me an email at and check out my site at

I have a couple of Renaissance Hairstyles to show you that will be posted soon.


Anonymous said...

I am really looking forward to your renaissance braids - I always love your hairstyles and I think you are really talented when it comes to hair and such. Thanks a lot for all your work you put in that blog, I really appreciate it (as is the daughter of a friend of mine who sometimes lets me "borrow" her hair for a style). By the way, by chance I found a really fascinating style the other day, but there's no way I can recreate that. If you have too much time (which I doubt), humor me and give it a try :-)
The link is:,.html
(how did she do these "accents"? I've got no clue whatsoever)
Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the renaissance hair style. I love your blog!!